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Lecture, Seminars, and Conference Presentations


  • Air-Sea Interaction and Offshore Wind energy. Korean Meteorological Agency, virtual, January 27 , 2023


  • Coupled Modeling of Mesoscale Air-Sea Interaction: Physics, Impacts, and Role of Surface Waves. Seoul National University, Korea, invited, 09/22 pdf
  • Ocean Mesoscale Air-Sea Interaction over Gulf Stream: Drivers, Physics, and Influence. US CLIVAR Wither the Gulf Stream Workshop. Wither the Gulf Stream Workshop, 06/22 pdf
  • Surface wave impacts on air-sea momentum flux in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean: coupled modeling and bulk formula. Workshop on Air-Sea Interaction and Implications for Offshore Wind Energy, 02/10/2021.


  • Mesoscale Air-Sea Interaction Working Group: Motivation, Science goals, and Recommendations. US CLIVAR POS Panel Meeting, 08/21/2021
  • Mesoscale/Frontal-scale Air-Sea Interaction: Review. 12.860 Guest Lecture. 5/13/2021
  • Impacts of ocean currents on the extratropical storm track through the “relative wind” effect. International Workshop on Midlatitude Air-Sea Interaction. 06/10/2021
  • Impacts of ocean-atmosphere coupled feedback on weather and climate. NOAA Priorities for Weather Research (PWR) Observations and Data Assimilation Task Team Symposium. 07/08/2021
  • Mesoscale Air-Sea Interaction Working Group Motivation, Science goals, and Recommendations. US CLIVAR POS Panel. 08/02/2021


  • Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions over Oceanic Boundary Currents. Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, February 2020
  • Small-scale upper ocean processes in the Bay of Bengal: Do they matter to air-sea interaction and monsoon? MISO-BoB Discussion Meeting, Ahmedabad, India, January 2020


  • Review of Mesoscale and frontal-scale air-sea interactions: physics, diagnostics, and impacts. US CLIVAR Summit, Long Beach, Aug. 6, 2019.
  • Coupled ocean-atmosphere interaction mediated by the ocean mesoscale eddies in the Northwest Tropical Atlantic Ocean. ATOMIC PI Meeting, Boulder, July 29, 2019
  • Coupled ocean-atmosphere interactions over the oceanic boundary currents. IAPSO IUGG, Montreal, July 13, 2019.
  • Distinct influence of coupled ocean-atmosphere interactions mediated by sea surface temperature and current. Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, March 5, 2019.
  • Coupled ocean-atmosphere interaction mediated by SST and surface current: Distinctive impacts and scale dependence. OFES Meeting, Japan, Feb 28, 2019.
  • Coupled effects of ocean current on wind stress in the Bay of Bengal: EKE and ML stratification. MISO-BoB Meeting, ICTS, Bangalore, Feb 22-23, 2019
  • Coupled ocean-atmosphere interaction mediated by SST and surface current: Distinctive impacts and scale dependence. OFES Meeting, Japan, Feb 28-Mar 1, 2019









  • Effect of Seasonal Freshwater Forcing on the Indian Monsoon: A Regional Coupled Modeling Study Bay of Bengal Monsoon Workshop, WHOI, November 16-18, 2011
  • Mesoscale air-sea interactions and regional climate change: Tropical Instability Waves in a regional coupled model. Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. October 14, 2011
  • (Invited) Regional coupled downscaling: Role of mesoscale ocean eddies in climate- Tropical Instability Waves. International Workshop Development and Application of Regional Climate Models. Korea. October 11-12
  • Tropical Instability Waves in the Atlantic: Air-sea interactions and climate change, Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Land Processes in the Tropical Atlantic, Miami, Mar 24, 2011



