Lecture, Seminars, and Conference Presentations
- Air-Sea Interaction and Offshore Wind energy. Korean Meteorological Agency, virtual, January 27 , 2023
- Coupled Modeling of Mesoscale Air-Sea Interaction: Physics, Impacts, and Role of Surface Waves. Seoul National University, Korea, invited, 09/22 pdf
- Ocean Mesoscale Air-Sea Interaction over Gulf Stream: Drivers, Physics, and Influence. US CLIVAR Wither the Gulf Stream Workshop. Wither the Gulf Stream Workshop, 06/22 pdf
- Surface wave impacts on air-sea momentum flux in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean: coupled modeling and bulk formula. Workshop on Air-Sea Interaction and Implications for Offshore Wind Energy, 02/10/2021.
- Mesoscale Air-Sea Interaction Working Group: Motivation, Science goals, and Recommendations. US CLIVAR POS Panel Meeting, 08/21/2021
- Mesoscale/Frontal-scale Air-Sea Interaction: Review. 12.860 Guest Lecture. 5/13/2021
- Impacts of ocean currents on the extratropical storm track through the “relative wind” effect. International Workshop on Midlatitude Air-Sea Interaction. 06/10/2021
- Impacts of ocean-atmosphere coupled feedback on weather and climate. NOAA Priorities for Weather Research (PWR) Observations and Data Assimilation Task Team Symposium. 07/08/2021
- Mesoscale Air-Sea Interaction Working Group Motivation, Science goals, and Recommendations. US CLIVAR POS Panel. 08/02/2021
- Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions over Oceanic Boundary Currents. Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, February 2020
- Small-scale upper ocean processes in the Bay of Bengal: Do they matter to air-sea interaction and monsoon? MISO-BoB Discussion Meeting, Ahmedabad, India, January 2020
- Review of Mesoscale and frontal-scale air-sea interactions: physics, diagnostics, and impacts. US CLIVAR Summit, Long Beach, Aug. 6, 2019.
- Coupled ocean-atmosphere interaction mediated by the ocean mesoscale eddies in the Northwest Tropical Atlantic Ocean. ATOMIC PI Meeting, Boulder, July 29, 2019
- Coupled ocean-atmosphere interactions over the oceanic boundary currents. IAPSO IUGG, Montreal, July 13, 2019.
- Distinct influence of coupled ocean-atmosphere interactions mediated by sea surface temperature and current. Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, March 5, 2019.
- Coupled ocean-atmosphere interaction mediated by SST and surface current: Distinctive impacts and scale dependence. OFES Meeting, Japan, Feb 28, 2019.
- Coupled effects of ocean current on wind stress in the Bay of Bengal: EKE and ML stratification. MISO-BoB Meeting, ICTS, Bangalore, Feb 22-23, 2019
- Coupled ocean-atmosphere interaction mediated by SST and surface current: Distinctive impacts and scale dependence. OFES Meeting, Japan, Feb 28-Mar 1, 2019
- Modulation of wind work by surface current; eddy energetics and mixed layer stratification in the Bay of Bengal. MISO-BoB meeting, APL/UW, November 8-9, 2018
- My air-sea coupling study at Scripps. Multi-modal Oscillation in Ocean Basin in honor of Art Miller. La Jolla, August 24, 20148
- Distinct Influence of air-sea coupling mediated by SST and current, Ocean Sciences Meeting, Portland, February, 2018
- Coupled modeling of air-sea interactions and MISO in the Bay of Bengal. ICO-BoB2. Columbo, Sri Lanka, Jan. 10-11, 2018
- Distinct Influence of air-sea coupling mediated by SST and current: the California and Somali Current System, Georgia Tech, Oct 23, 2017
- Distinct Influence of air-sea coupling mediated by SST and current on the California and Somali Current System, AOML, Oct, 18, 2017
- Distinct Influence of air-sea coupling mediated by SST and current on the California and Somali Current System, U. Mass. Dartmouth, Oct, 11, 2017
- Distinct influence of air-sea coupling mediated by SST and surface current in the Arabian Sea: regional coupled modeling, ONR Program Review, April 29, 2017
Eddy-driven air-sea interactions in the California Current System and the western Arabian Sea: dynamics and impacts. Stony Brook University, February, 22, 2017.
- Influence of freshwater plumes on intraseasonal variability in the Bay of Bengal — Moored observations and modeling perspectives. ONR ASIRI/OMM Meeting, Chennai, India. January 2017
- On the nonlinear response of the North Atlantic atmosphere to shift of Gulf stream path. AGU Fall meeting, December, 2016
- Coupled modeling of mesoscale dynamics and air-sea interaction in the Arabian Sea, ONR NASCar Science Meeting, Univ. Washington, October, 2016
- Nonlinear atmospheric response to meridional shift of the Gulf Stream path, AMS Air-Sea Interaction Workshop, August, 2016
- Dynamics and impacts of eddy-driven air-sea interaction in the California Current System, SIO CASPO Seminar, May 6, 2016
- Dynamics and impacts of eddy-driven air-sea interaction in the California Current System, WHOI PO Seminar, Apr 27, 2016
- Predominant nonlinear atmospheric response to meridional shift of the Gulf Stream path, OSM, February 2016
- (Invited) SST variability in the East Asian marginal seas: mechanisms for local and remote atmospheric impacts. AGU, 2015
- Dynamics and impacts of eddy-driven air-sea interaction in a regional air-sea coupled model for the US West Coast. AGU, 2015
- Coupled impacts of the diurnal cycle of sea surface temperature on the Madden-Julian Oscillation, IUGG, Prague, June 25, 2015
- Coupled modeling of eddy-wind interaction in the California Current System, IUGG, Prague, June 30, 2015
- Eddy-driven air-sea interaction and feedback in the western Arabian Sea, ONR NASCar Planning Meeting, Reston VA, June 2-3, 2015
- Diurnal SST and diurnal rainfall in the Maritime Continent, YMC Planning Meeting, NCAR, May 27-29, 2015
- Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction in the Northern Indian Ocean: Motivation and Proposed Research, ONR SIRI Science Meeting, U. Mass. Dartmouth, May 26-28, 2015
- Coupled modeling of eddy-wind interaction in the California Current System – Impact on eddy kinetic energy and Ekman pumping, AMS Annual Meeting, Jan. 5, 2015 Recorded Presentation
- Eddy-wind interaction in the California Current System – Eddy kinetic energy and Ekman pumping, Korean Insitute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST), Dec. 19, 2014
- Eddy-wind interaction in the California Current System — Eddy kinetic energy and Ekman pumping, Kyushu Univ., Dec. 15, 2014
- Coupled impacts of the diurnal cycle of sea surface temperature on the Madden-Julian Oscillation, International Regional Spectral Meeting, JAMSTEC, Japan, Nov. 27-28, 2014
- Coupled impacts of the diurnal cycle of sea surface temperature on the Madden-Julian Oscillation, Korean Oceanographic Society Meeting, Jinhae, Korea, Nov. 7, 2014
- Regional coupled modeling of eddy-wind interaction in the California Current System: Eddy kinetic energy and Ekman pumping, PICES Annual Meeting, Yeosu, Korea, Oct. 21, 2014
- Effect of Eddy-Wind Interaction on Ekman pumping and Eddy Kinetic Energy in the California Current System: A Regional Coupled Modeling Study, OFES International Workshop, Aizu University, Oct. 2-3, 2014
- Coupled impacts of the diurnal cycle of sea surface temperature on the Madden-Julian Oscillation, Kyushu Univ, Sep. 26, 2014
- Mesoscale Air-Sea Interactions, WHOI Summer Lecture Series, Jul. 28, 2014
- Effect of the East Asian Marginal Sea SST variability on the North Pacific atmospheric circulation: East/Japan Sea case study, European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria, Apr. 28 – May 1, 2014
- Surface wind response to Arctic sea ice in a regional weather model, WHOI Physical Oceanography Seminar, Apr. 15, 2014
- Effect of the East/Japan Sea SST variability on the North Pacific atmospheric circulation, Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Feb. 24-28, 2014
- Dynamics of near-surface winds over ocean eddies and sea ice: Regional modeling studies of tropical and arctic atmospheres, University of Rhode Island, GSO Seminar, Dec. 6, 2013
- Predictability and Coupled Dynamics of MJO during DYNAMO: Role of diurnal cycle in the intensity of MJO2, ONR Physical Oceanography Peer Review Program, Monterey, Sep. 23-24, 2013
- (Invited) Ocean mesoscale eddies, air-sea interactions and regional climate: regional coupled climate modeling, APEC Climate Center, Busan, Sep. 13, 2013
- (Invited) Effect of East/Japan Sea SST variability on the North Pacific atmospheric circulation, International Workshop on Regional Climate Models-II. Busan, Korea, Sep. 10-12, 2013
- Dynamical response of the Arctic surface winds to sea ice variability, Climate Implications of Frontal Scale Air-Sea Interaction. NCAR Aug. 5-7, 2013 Recorded Presentation
- Dynamical response of the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer process to uncertainties in sea ice concentration, AMS Polar Meeting, Seattle WA, Apr. 29 – May 1, 2013. Recorded Presentation
- What determines the spatial pattern in summer upwelling trends on the U.S. West Coast? AMS Annual Meeting, Austin, Jan. 9, 2013. Recorded Presentation
- Role of Ocean Mesoscale Eddies in Air-Sea Interaction and Regional Climate Change. MIT MSEAS Seminar. Nov. 16. 2012. MIT.
- Role of the East/Japan Sea SST variability in the atmospheric circulation in the North Pacific. AMS 18th Conference on Air-Sea Interaction, Boston, Jul. 12, 2012. Recorded Presentation
- (Invited) Mesoscale air-sea interactions and regional climate change: the Tropical Instability Waves example, KORDI, May 30, 2012
- Role of the East/Japan Sea SST variability in the atmospheric circulation in the North Pacific. KORDI-WHOI Workshop, May 25, 2012
- (Invited) Role of the East-Asian marginal sea SST in the regional predictability and the North Pacific climate variability Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, May 23, 2012
- Regional modeling of ocean-atmosphere interaction: from tropics to mid-latitudes. Kyushu University, Japan, May 21, 2012
- Effect of Seasonal Freshwater Forcing on the Indian Monsoon: A Regional Coupled Modeling Study Bay of Bengal Monsoon Workshop, WHOI, November 16-18, 2011
- Mesoscale air-sea interactions and regional climate change: Tropical Instability Waves in a regional coupled model. Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. October 14, 2011
- (Invited) Regional coupled downscaling: Role of mesoscale ocean eddies in climate- Tropical Instability Waves. International Workshop Development and Application of Regional Climate Models. Korea. October 11-12
- Tropical Instability Waves in the Atlantic: Air-sea interactions and climate change, Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Land Processes in the Tropical Atlantic, Miami, Mar 24, 2011
- Regional coupled downscaling of climate and weather, NRL-Stennis Space Center, May 26, 2010
- Regional coupled downscaling: mesoscale air-sea interaction and regional climate change, UT-Austin, April 26, 2010
- Regional coupled-downscaling of climate and weather, WHOI, March 23, 2010
- Applications of a regional coupled model to studies of global warming and hurricane-ocean interaction, NCAR, March 04, 2010
- Downscaling Global Warming with a Regional Ocean-Atmosphere Model over the Tropical Atlantic Role of equatorial ocean dynamics, AGU Fall, 2009
- Tropical Atlantic response to global warming: Equatorial upwelling and tropical instability waves, International RSM Workshop, Maui, Aug 4, 2009
- Seasonal effects of Indian Ocean freshwater forcing in a regional coupled model-Barrier Layers and Indian Monsoon, IPRC Annual Symposium, Jun 2, 2009
- Mesoscale air-sea interaction and feedback in the western Arabian Sea: CLIVAR Western Boundary Current Workshop, Phoenix, Jan. 15, 2009
- Mesoscale air-sea interaction and feedback in the western Arabian Sea: AMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Jan. 14, 2009
- Overview of the Scripps Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Regional Model: ONR Coupled Modeling Workshop, Ballston, VA, Dec 12, 2008
- Mesoscale ocean-atmosphere interaction due to the ocean mesoscale eddies: Physical Oceanography Dissertation Symposium V, October 6, 2008
- Coupled modeling of mesoscale ocean-atmosphere interactions: tropical instability waves and ocean eddies: NOAA C&GC Summer Institute, July 14, 2008
- Mesoscale ocean-atmosphere interaction in the western Arabian sea: Dynamic and thermodynamic feedback to the ocean: NCAR CGD Seminar, May 23, 2008
- Mesoscale coupled ocean-atmosphere Interaction; Tropical Instability Waves and Atmospheric Feedback: ESSIC Seminar, University of Maryland. January 18, 2008
- Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction in a High-Resolution Regional Coupled Model: Oceanography Seminar, University of Hawaii, Manoa, Aug. 23, 2007
- Effect of Coupling of Wind and Current on Tropical Instability Waves in the Atlantic Ocean: CLIVAR Tropical Atlantic Variability Meeting, Paris, Oct. 18, 2006
- Tropical Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction in a Regional Coupled High-Resolution GCM: NCAR CGD Seminar, Aug. 23, 2006
- Regional Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions in the Eastern Pacific: TIWs, Mesoscale Eddies and Gap Winds: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Seminar (given by Art Miller), Apr. 2006
- Air-sea coupling associated with the TIWs; high-resolution coupled-model study: Ocean Sciences Meeting, Honolulu, Feb. 24, 2006
- Atmospheric Boundary Layer Response to SST in the Eastern Pacific: AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Dec. 2005
- Tropical Instability Waves and Ocean-Atmosphere Feedback: ROMS/TOMS User Workshop, La Jolla, Oct. 2005
- Regional Ocean-Atmospheric Feedback in the Eastern Pacific; Gap Winds, TIWs, and Mesoscale Eddies: UCLA AOS 270 Seminar, UCLA, Oct. 12, 2005
- Regional Air-Sea Interaction in the Eastern Pacific: 6th International RSM workshop, New York, Aug., 2005
- Development of the Regional Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model: 85th AMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, Jan. 2005
- Preliminary Simulation of the Regional Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Model in the Southern California Coastal Region: Regional Spectral Model Workshop, Yonsei Univerisity, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 2004