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Google Scholar Citations

Under Review/Revision or In Preparation

  • Renkl, C., H. Seo, et al. Marine heatwave impacts on landfalling atmospheric river on the U.S. West Coast. In preparation
  • Barr, B. W., H. Seo, C. Sauvage, C. A. Clayson, and J. B. Edson: Understanding interfacial and sea spray heat fluxes in high winds using direct covariance air-sea flux observations.  In preparation
  • Yang, S., H. Bae, M.-S. Park, M. Bourassa, C. C. Nam, S. Cocke, D. W. Shin, B. W. Barr, H. Seo, D.-H. Cha, M.-H. Kwon, D. Kim, K.-Y. Jung, and B.-M. Kim: Sea spray effects on typhoon prediction in the Yellow and East China Seas: Case studies using a coupled atmosphere-ocean-wave model for Lingling (2019) and Maysak (2020). Env. Research Lett., Under review
  • Cho, A., H. Song, H. Seo, R. Sun, M. R. Mazloff, A. C. Subramanian, B. D. Cornuelle, and A. J. Miller, 2024: Dynamic and Thermodynamic coupling between the Atmosphere and Ocean near the Kuroshio Current and Extension System. Dyn. Atmos. Ocean., under review.


63. Sauvage, C., H. Seo, B. W. Barr, J. B. Edison, and C. A. Clayson, 2024: Misaligned Wind-Waves Behind Atmospheric Cold Fronts. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 129, e2024JC021162, pdf

62. Shinoda, T., T. G. Jensen, Z. Lachkar, Y. Masumoto, and H. Seo, 2024: Modeling the Indian Ocean, Intraseasonal variability in the Indian Ocean region, 2023: Elsevier Publishing, "The Indian Ocean and its role in the global climate system." C. C. Ummenhofer and R. R. Hood, editors. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-822698-8.00013. pdf


61. Steffen, J. D., H. Seo, C. A. Clayson, S. Pei, and T. Shionda, 2023: Impacts of Tidal Mixing on Diurnal to Intraseasonal Air-Sea Interactions in the Maritime Continent. Deep-Sea. Res. II., 212, 105343. pdf

60. Castillo-Trujillo A. C., Y.-O. Kwon, P. Fratantoni, K. Chen, H. Seo, M. A. Alexander, and V. S. Saba, 2023: An evaluation of eight global ocean reanalyses for the Northeast U.S. continental shelf. Prog. Oceanogr., 219, 103126. pdf

59. Clayson, C. A., C. A. DeMott, S. P. de Szoeke, P. Chang, G. R. Foltz, R. Krishnamurthy, T. Lee, A. Molod, D. G. Ortiz-Suslow, J. Pullen, D. H. Richter, H. Seo, P. C. Taylor, E. Thompson, B. V. Bôas, C. J. Zappa, and P. Zuidema, 2023: A New Paradigm for Observing and Modeling of Air-Sea Interactions to Advance Earth System Prediction. A US CLIVAR Report, US CLIVAR Project Office, 86 pp. pdf

58. Beaudin, E., E. Di Lorenzo, A. J. Miller, H. Seo, and Y. Joh, 2023: Impact of Extratropical Northeast Pacific SST on U.S. West Coast Precipitation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 50, e2022GL102354, pdf

57. Sauvage, C., H. Seo, C. A. Clayson, and J. B. Edson, 2023: Improving wave-based air-sea momentum flux parameterization in mixed seas. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 128, e2022JC019277. pdf

56 Seo, H., L. W. O’Neill, M. A. Bourassa, A. Czaja, K. Drushka, J. B. Edson, B. Fox-Kemper, I. Frenger, S. T. Gille, B. P. Kirtman, S. Minobe, A. G. Pendergrass, L. Renault, M. J. Roberts, N. Schneider, R. J. Small, A. Stoffelen, and Q. Wang, 2023: Ocean Mesoscale and Frontal-scale Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions and Influence on Large-scale Climate: A Review. J. Climate, 36, 1981-2013,  pdf


55. Kwak, K. H. Song, J. Marshall, H. Seo, and D. McGillicuddy, Jr., 2021: Suppressed pCO2 in the Southern Ocean due to the interaction between current and wind. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 126, e2021JC017884. pdf

54. Shinoda, T., S. Pei, W. Wang, J. X. Fu. R.-C. Lien, H. Seo, A. Soloviev, 2021: Climate Process Team: improvement of ocean component of NOAA Climate Forecast System relevant to Madden-Julian Oscillation simulations. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 13e2021MS002658. pdf

53. Seo, H., H. Song, L. W. O’Neill, M. R. Mazloff, and B. D. Cornuelle, 2021: Impacts of ocean currents on the South Indian Ocean extratropical storm track through the relative wind effect. J. Climate, 34, 9093-9113. pdf

52. Pei, S., T. Shinoda, J. Steffen, and H. Seo, 2021: Substantial Sea Surface Temperature cooling in the Banda Sea associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation in the boreal winter of 2015. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 126, e2021JC017226. pdf

51. Shroyer, E., and Co-authors including H. Seo, 2021: Bay of Bengal Intraseasonal Oscillation and the 2018 Monsoon Onset. Bull. Amer. Meteo. Soc., 102(10), E1936-E1951. pdf

50. Bartusek, S. T., H. Seo, C. C. Ummenhofer, and J. D. Steffen, 2021: The role of nearshore air-sea interactions for landfalling atmospheric rivers on the U.S. West Coast. Geophys. Res. Lett., 48, e2020GL091388. pdf (See also WHOI Research News)

49. Sun, R., A. C. Subramanian, B. D. Cornuelle, M. R. Mazloff, A. J. Miller, F. M. Ralph, H. Seo, and I. Hoteit, 2021: The role of air-sea interactions in atmospheric river events: Case studies using the SKRIPS regional coupled model. J. Geophys. Res. – Atmosphere, 126, e2020JD032885. pdf


48. Liang, Y.-C., M.-H. Lo, C.-W. Lan, H. Seo, C. C. Ummenhofer, S. Yeager, R.-J. Wu, and J. D. Steffen, 2020: Amplified Seasonal Cycle in Hydroclimate over the Amazon River Basin and its Plume Region. Nat. Commun., 114390pdf.

47. Yuan, X., C. C. Ummenhofer, H. Seo, and Z. Su, 2020: Relative contributions of heat flux and wind stress on the spatiotemporal upper-ocean variability in the tropical Indian Ocean. Env. Res. Lett., 15, 084047. pdf

46. Gentemann, C., C. A. Clayson, S. Brown, T. Lee, R. Parfitt, J. T. Farrar, M. Bourassa, P. J. Minnett, H. Seo, S. T Gille, and V. Zlotnicki, 2020: FluxSat: Measuring the ocean-atmosphere turbulent exchange of heat and moisture from space. Remote Sensing. 12, 1796. pdf

45. Sprintall, J., K. A. Reed, A. H. Butler, G. R. Foltz, S. G. Penny, and H. Seo, 2020: Best Practice Strategies for Process Studies designed to Improve Climate Modelling. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 101, E1842-E1850. pdf.

44. Song, H., J. Marshall, D. J. McGillicuddy Jr., and H. Seo, 2020: The impact of the current-wind interaction on the vertical processes in the Southern Ocean. J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 125, e2020JC016046. pdf

43. Gopalakrishnan, G., A. C. Subramanian, A. J. Miller, H. Seo, and D. Sengupta, 2020: Estimation and prediction of the upper ocean circulation in the Bay of Bengal, Deep-Sea ResII, 172, 104721. pdf.

42. Hagos, S., G. R. Foltz, C. Zhang, E. Thompson, H. Seo, S. Chen, A. Capotondi, K. A. Reed, C. DeMott, and A. Protat, 2020: Atmospheric Convection and Air-Sea Interactions over the Tropical Oceans: Scientific Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc.,101E253–E258. pdf

41. Kwon, Y.-O., H. Seo, C. C. Ummenhofer, and T. M. Joyce, 2020: Impact of Multidecadal Variability in Atlantic SST on Winter Atmospheric Blocking. J. Climate, 33, 867-892. pdf


40. Seo, H., A. C. Subramanian, H. Song, and J. S. Chowdary, 2019: Coupled effects of ocean current on wind stress in the Bay of Bengal: Eddy energetics and upper ocean stratification. Deep-Sea ResII, 168, 104617pdf

39. Prend, C. J.H. Seo. R. A. Weller, and J. T. Farrar, 2019: Impact of freshwater plumes on intraseasonal upper ocean variability in the Bay of Bengal. Deep-Sea Res.-II., 161, 63-71. pdf

38. Joyce, T. M., Y.-O. Kwon, H. Seo, and, C. C. Ummenhofer, 2019: Meridional Gulf Stream shifts can influence wintertime variability in the North Atlantic Storm Track and Greenland Blocking. Geophys. Res. Lett., 46, 46,1702-1708. pdf

37. Weller, R. A., J. T. Farrar, H. Seo, C. J. Prend, D. Sengupta, J. Sree Lekha, M. Ravichandran, and R. Venkatesen, 2019: Moored observations of the surface meteorology and air-sea fluxes in the northern Bay of Bengal in 2015, J. Climate, 32, 549-573. pdf


36. Parfitt, R. and H. Seo, 2018: A New Framework for Near-Surface Wind Convergence over the Kuroshio Extension and Gulf Stream in Wintertime: The Role of Atmospheric Fronts. GeophysRes. Lett., 45, 9909–9918. pdf. US CLIVAR Research Highlight.

35 Pullen, J., R. Allard, H. Seo, A. J. Miller, S. Chen, L. P. Pezzi, T. Smith, P. Chu, J. Alves, and R. Caldeira, 2018: Coupled ocean-atmosphere forecasting at short and medium time scales. J. Mar. Res., 75877-921. pdf

34. Jin, X, Y.-O. Kwon, C. C. Ummenhofer, H. Seo, Y. Kosaka, and J. S. Wright, 2018: Distinct mechanisms of decadal subsurface heat content variations in the eastern and western Indian Ocean modulated by tropical Pacific SST, J. Climate, 31, 7751-7769. pdf

33. Jin, X., Y.-O. Kwon, C. C. Ummenhofer, H. Seo, F. U. Schwarzkopf, A. Biastoch, C. W. Böning, and J. S. Wright, 2018: Influences of Pacific Climate Variability on Decadal Subsurface Ocean Heat Content Variations in the Indian Ocean. J. Climate, 31, 4157-4174. pdf

32. Kwon, Y.-O., A. Camacho, C. Martinez-Zayas, and H. Seo, 2018: North Atlantic Eddy-driven Jet and Blocking Variability in the Community Earth System Model Version 1 Large Ensemble Simulations. Clim. Dyn., 51, 3275-3289. pdf


31. Seo, H., Y.-O. Kwon, T. M. Joyce, and C. C. Ummenhofer, 2017: On the predominant nonlinear response of the extratropical atmosphere to meridional shift of the Gulf Stream. J. Climate,30, 9679-9702pdf

30. Morrow, R., L.-L. Fu, T. Farrar, H. Seo, P.-Y. Le Traon, 2017. Ocean eddies and mesoscale variability. Satellite Altimetry Over Oceans and Land Surfaces, In D. Stammer and A. Cazenave, editors, Satellite Altimetry Over Ocean and Land Surfaces. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Satellite Altimetry Over Oceans and Land Surfaces.

29. Centurioni, L. R., and Co-authors, 2017: Northern Arabian Sea Circulation-Autonomous Research (NASCar): A Research Initiative Based on Autonomous Sensors. Oceanography, 30, 74-87. pdf

28. Ummenhofer, C. C., H. Seo, Y-O. Kwon, R. Parfitt, S. Brands, and T. M. Joyce, 2017: Emerging European winter precipitation pattern 
linked to atmospheric circulation changes over the North Atlantic region in recent decades. GeophysRes. Lett., 4485578566. pdf

27. Seo, H., 2017: Distinct influence of air-sea interactions mediated by mesoscale sea surface temperature and surface current in the Arabian Sea. J. Climate, 30, 8061-8079. pdf

26. Miller, A. J., M. Collins, S. Gualdi, T. G. Jensen, V. Misra, L. P. Pezzi, D. W. Pierce, D. Putrasahan, H. Seo, and Y.-H. Tseng, 2017: Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Hydrology Modeling and Predictions, J. Mar. Res. 75, 361-402. pdf

25. Parfitt, R., A. Czaja, and H. Seo, 2017: A simple diagnostic for the detection of atmospheric fronts, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, 4351–4358. pdf

24. Jongaramrungruang, S., H. Seo, and C. C. Ummenhofer, 2017: Intraseasonal rainfall variability in the Bay of Bengal during the Summer Monsoon: Coupling with the ocean and modulation by the Indian Ocean Dipole. Atmos. Sci. Lett., 18, 88–95. pdf


23. Chowdary, J. S., G. Srinivas, T. S. Fousiya, A. Parekh, C. Gnanaseelan, H. Seo, and J. A. MacKinnon, 2016: Representation of Bay of Bengal Upper-Ocean Salinity in General Circulation Models. Oceanography, 29, 38–49. pdf

22. Seo, H., A. J. Miller, and J. R. Norris, 2016: Eddy-wind interaction in the California Current System: dynamics and impacts, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 46, 439-459. pdf

21. Brink, K. H. and H. Seo, 2016: Continental Shelf Baroclinic Instability 2: Oscillating wind forcing, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 46, 569-582. pdf


20. *Oltmanns, M., F. Straneo, H. Seo, G. W. K. Moore, 2015: The role of wave dynamics and small-scale topography for downslope wind events in southeast Greenland. J. Atmos. Sci., 72, 2786-2805. pdf

19. Cavanaugh, N., T. Allen, A. Subramanian, B. Mapes, H. Seo, and A. J. Miller, 2015: The Skill of Tropical Linear Inverse Models in Hindcasting the Madden-Julian Oscillation. Climate Dyn., 44, 897-906. pdf


18. Seo, H., A. C. Subramanian, A. J. Miller, and N. R. Cavanaugh, 2014: Coupled impacts of the diurnal cycle of sea surface temperature on the Madden-Julian Oscillation. J. Climate, 27, 8422-8443. pdf

17. Park, J.-Y., J.-S. Kug, H. Seo, and J. Bader, 2014: Impact of bio-physical feedbacks on the tropical climate in coupled and uncoupled GCMs. Climate Dyn., 43, 1811-1827. pdf

16. Seo, H., Y.-O. Kwon, and J.-J. Park, 2014: On the effect of the East/Japan Sea SST variability on the North Pacific atmospheric circulation in a regional climate model. J. Geophys. Res.-Atmospheres, 119, 418-444. pdf

15. Subramanian, A, M. Jochum, A. J. Miller, R. Neale, H. Seo, D. Waliser, and R. Murtugudde, 2014: The MJO and Global warming: A study in CCSM4. Climate Dyn., 42, 2019-2031. pdf


14. Seo, H., and J. Yang, 2013: Dynamical response of the Arctic atmospheric boundary layer process to uncertainties in sea ice concentration. J. Geophys. Res-Atmospheres, 118, 12,383-12,402. pdf

13. Putrasahan, D. A. J. Miller, and H. Seo, 2013: Regional coupled ocean-atmosphere downscaling in the Southeast Pacific: Impacts on upwelling, mesoscale air-sea fluxes, and ocean eddies. Ocean Dynam., 63, 463-488. pdf

12. Seo, H., and S.-P. Xie, 2013: Impact of ocean warm layer thickness on the intensity of hurricane Katrina in a regional coupled model. Meteor. Atmos. Phys., 122, 19-32. pdf

11. Putrasahan, D. A. J. Miller, and H. Seo, 2013: Isolating Mesoscale Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions in the Kuroshio Extension Region. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans., 63, 60-78. pdf


10. Seo, H., K. H. Brink, C. E. Dorman, D. Koracin, and C. A. Edwards, 2012: What determines the spatial pattern in summer upwelling trends on the U.S. West Coast? J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 117, C08012. pdf

9. Alexander, M.A., H. Seo, S.-P. Xie, and J.D. Scott, 2012: ENSO’s impact on the gap wind regions of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. J. Climate, 25, 3549-3565. pdf


8. Seo, H., and S.-P. Xie, 2011: Response and Impact of Equatorial Ocean Dynamics and Tropical Instability Waves in the Tropical Atlantic under Global Warming: A regional coupled downscaling study. J. Geophys. Res.-Oceans, 116, C03026. pdf


7. Seo, H., S.-P. Xie, R. Murtugudde, M. Jochum, and A. J. Miller, 2009: Seasonal effects of Indian Ocean freshwater forcing in a regional coupled model. J. Climate, 22, 6577-6596. pdf


6. Seo, H., R. Murtugudde, M. Jochum, and A. J. Miller, 2008: Modeling of Mesoscale Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction and its Feedback to Ocean in the Western Arabian Sea. Ocean Modell., 25,120-131. pdf

5. Seo, H., M. Jochum, R. Murtugudde, A. J. Miller, and J. O. Roads, 2008: Precipitation from African Easterly Waves in a Coupled Model of the Tropical Atlantic. J. Climate, 21, 1417-1431. pdf

4. Small, R. J., S. de Szoeke, S. P. Xie, L. O’Neill, H. Seo, Q. Song, P. Cornillon, M. Spall, and S. Minobe, 2008: Air-Sea Interaction over Ocean Fronts and Eddies. Dyn. Atmos. Oceans., 45, 274-319. pdf


3. Seo, H., M. Jochum, R. Murtugudde, A. J. Miller, and J. O. Roads, 2007: Feedback of Tropical Instability Wave – induced Atmospheric Variability onto the Ocean. J. Climate, 20, 5842-5855. pdf

2. Seo, H. A. J. Miller and J. O. Roads, 2007: The Scripps Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Regional (SCOAR) model, with applications in the eastern Pacific sector. J. Climate, 20, 381-402. pdf


1. Seo, H., M. Jochum, R. Murtugudde, and A. J. Miller, 2006: Effect of Ocean Mesoscale Variability on the Mean State of Tropical Atlantic Climate. Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L09606. pdf