Butterfly advances progress on some of the most important science and applications questions of NASA Earth Science for the next decade, including the coupling of the energy and water cycles, extending and improving weather forecasts, reducing climate uncertainty, and informing societal response. Butterfly is designed as an open science mission, bringing a new cooperative approach, embracing…
Read MoreImproving the model simulation of surface wave impacts on air-sea fluxes, turbulent boundary layers, and their impacts on Indian monsoons in the Arabian Sea
ONR ASTraL DRI: https://www.nre.navy.mil/organization/departments/code-32/division-322/physical-oceanography/astral ASTraL will improve in situ characterization of air-sea exchanges of heat, mass, and momentum, including amplitudes and space-time variability, and provide useful and practical observational constraints for prediction models across scales. Since air-sea fluxes and their interactions with turbulent boundary layers in the ocean and atmosphere are entirely parameterized in prediction…
Read MoreLecture, Seminars, and Conference Presentations
2023 Air-Sea Interaction and Offshore Wind energy. Korean Meteorological Agency, virtual, January 27 , 2023 2022 Coupled Modeling of Mesoscale Air-Sea Interaction: Physics, Impacts, and Role of Surface Waves. Seoul National University, Korea, invited, 09/22 pdf Ocean Mesoscale Air-Sea Interaction over Gulf Stream: Drivers, Physics, and Influence. US CLIVAR Wither the Gulf Stream Workshop. Wither…
Read MoreNSF PO: Improving understanding of coupled impacts of oceans and waves on air-sea fluxes in the US Northeast Coast
Hyodae Seo, Cesar Sauvage, Jim Edson, Carol Anne Clayson, and Ben Barr The project will improve our understanding of the ocean and surface wave processes controlling the air-sea fluxes and the structure and evolution of the marine atmospheric boundary layer in the US Northeast Coast. A crucial element of the project is detailed validations of…
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