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Improving the model simulation of surface wave impacts on air-sea fluxes, turbulent boundary layers, and their impacts on Indian monsoons in the Arabian Sea

ONR ASTraL DRI: ASTraL will improve in situ characterization of air-sea exchanges of heat, mass, and momentum, including amplitudes and space-time variability, and provide useful and practical observational constraints…

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Lecture, Seminars, and Conference Presentations

…extratropical storm track through the “relative wind” effect. International Workshop on Midlatitude Air-Sea Interaction. 06/10/2021 Impacts of ocean-atmosphere coupled feedback on weather and climate. NOAA Priorities for Weather Research (PWR)…

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Current Projects

…a benchmark standard for resource measurement and modeling science. Seo is a co-PI of a large research team at WHOI. NSF PO/CLD: Collaborative Research: Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Feedbacks Affecting California Coastal…

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Butterfly advances progress on some of the most important science and applications questions of NASA Earth Science for the next decade, including the coupling of the energy and water cycles,…

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Homepage – Simple with slider

…Working Group Co-chair ONR Young Investigator Award, 2015 NOAA C&GC Postdoc Fellow, 2007 Research Interests: Ocean-atmosphere interaction, surface waves, air-sea flux parameterizations, dynamics of the upper ocean circulation, tropical and…

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