SCOAR Model - Hyodae Seo Skip to content

WRF-ROMS-WW3 Regional Coupled Modeling System;The SCOAR coupler is a flexible and efficient input-output file coupler, with a 2-D online smoothing implemented for interactive eddy filtering. The SCOAR source code is available through the Github repository:

  • The SCOAR regional coupled modeling system couples WRF, ROMS, and WW3 via COARE3.5 bulk flux algorithm implemented in WRF surface-layer module. WRF, ROMS, and WW3 codes are publically available model.
  • The SCOAR has been used to study the physics and impacts of air-sea-wave interactions in various regions; for the publication, please see
  • The SCOAR system was originally developed by Hyodae Seo ( by coupling WRF (and RSM)and ROMS. Dr. Cesar Sauvage has introduced the wave coupling to the SCOAR, the work funded by the NOAA CVP program for ATOMIC.